#tf techno organic
undergaster · 9 months
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A complete reimagining of my fan take on Bumblebee's design. Where I used my old one as a jumping point to create something far more unique and interesting. Alongside turning him into a triple-changer to give him both of my favourite Bumblebee altmode options (futuristic hover/aircraft and an actuall Bumblebee((stylized for obvious reasons)).
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"How organic?"
Has anyone else wondered how much of an organic being Blackarachnia is?
How much of her inside is maybe more organic?
And just how this affects her health
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orionsnotcanon · 1 year
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they’re TOTALLY not talking about you (:
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kaycode1999 · 2 years
Techno-Organic Reader x Earthspark Bumblebee
This was a request from @technoorganicmic
Important information:
As a techno organic, Y/N can be either human height or grow to the size of bot (tall enough her/his/their head comes to Bee’s Autobot insignia). She/he/they have a blaster arm and a shield arm. She/he/they were created when one of the military scientists working with the Autobots came into contact with a protoform.
15 years ago ( a few days before the end of the war)
Y/N and Bee sit side by side on the edge of one of the ledges near the top of Mt. St. Hillary just as the sun begins to set. “ Bee?” Y/N speaks up, breaking the comfortable silence that had settled over the two. Bee makes a hum of acknowledgment turning his head to face her/him/them, “ I’m worried” Y/N says. “ About what?” Bee questions, “ GHOST” Y/N explains. “ Why? Did something happen?” Bee asks, “ Not exactly. But I’ve noticed they’ve been getting more and more secretive lately. Like there’s something they don’t want us seeing” Y/N says “ I don’t have any proof but I can’t shake this feeling that they’re up to something bad. Even Optimus doesn’t seem to trust them completely, I mean they aren’t allowed anywhere Tele-traan 1 and he is very careful about who he picks to work with them”.
“ Now that you mention it, I’ve noticed the same thing” Bee agrees. “ And now that Megatron has joined us- the war is nearly over. Something tells me is won’t be in my favor to be a techno organic that isn’t under their thumb” Y/N says, Bee gets a sad look on his face before taking Y/N’s hand. “ Are you saying you’re thinking of leaving?” Bee asks, “ It’s either that or I might end up like the Decepticons they plan to lock up. I’ll stay until the war is over…. But the second it ends I have to disappear. And you should think about doing the same” Y/N says. A look of pure heart break flashes across Bee’s optics which causes a lump to form in Y/N’s throat, “ Bee” Y/N says giving his hand a squeeze “ We’ll see each other again. I promise”. Bee gives her/him/them a sad smile and nods, the two slowly get to their feet and Y/N throws her/his/their arms around his neck in a tight hug. After a few moments she/he/they slightly pull away just enough to place a kiss on Bee’s cheek. Y/N then steps away just slightly, chuckling at Bee’s shy expression. “ Come on, let’s go meet up with the others” Y/N says, and the two head back down to the Ark and the other Autobots.
Present Day
Y/N lays across the couch in her/his/their apartment reading a book when the weirdest thing happens. Her/his/their eyes start glowing as a message from some middle aged brown haired man with strange eyebrows and two cybertronian arms starts to play.
“ My Terran troublemakers” he starts (and Y/N notices to two young kids behind him who look terrified as they are surrounded by several spider bots) “ as you can see, I have taken your human siblings. All five of you will meet me at the Witwiki race track at 5 o’clock this afternoon, and I wouldn’t try to get help from anyone or- Well, I think you can imagine what happens to poor Mo and Robby if you don’t follow my instructions”
The man gives an evil smirk before the message ends and everything goes back to normal. Y/N gasps and sits up on the couch with eyes widening in surprise. She/her/his mind starts racing for several moments before one thought comes through stronger than the rest.
“ those kids. I have to help those kids”
Y/N quickly grabs her/his/their phone looking up the location and rushing out to her/his/their car taking off for the race track.
5 o’clock
The Terrans walk through the entrance into the Witwiki race track where the evil scientist man and his spider bots have Mo and Robby. “ Right on time, just as I suspected” the man calls as the Terrans walk closer before being surrounded by the spider bots. The red drone Terran tightens her grip on her swords with an angry expression. “ we did what you said Mandroid, we’re here and we didn’t tell anyone. Now let Mo and Robby go” she says, “ Yes…. That was what I said, wasn’t it?” The man says says smiling darkly before snapping his fingers and the spiders bot’s suddenly shoot out some blue cords from their “ mouths” attaching to all of the Terrans. The cords instantly have a sparking electric current start through them shocking the Terrans who cry out in surprise and pain before falling to the ground, “ but you see…. Now that I have you. I don’t really have any more use for these two do I?” He says. Two Spider bots walk up to Mo and Robby holding their sharp claw like arms over their head readying to slice, a look of horror washes over the Terrans face as they realize what is about to happen.
The spiders bring down their arms, and just in time Y/N blasts them before stepping out from her/his/their hiding place catching everyone’s attention. “ Ok… I don’t know who you are” Y/N says taking several steps forward while keeping her/his/their blaster aimed at “ Mandroid” “ but let these kids go now!”, “ and who might you be?” He asks asks narrowing his eyes at Y/N as she/he/they step between him and the children. “ Oh, see it’s interesting. I’m-“ Y/N starts before blasting mandroid in the arm knocking him to the ground. She/he/they then throw her/his/their shield slicing the cords connected to the Terrans before they catch it when it comes back to her/him/them, the Terrans quickly get to their feet and rush to Y/N’s side just as mandroid gets up.
“ Get your siblings to safety!” Y/N orders, Y/N rushes Mandroid as the white motorcycle Terran and the red drone Terran grab Robby and Mo taking them several feet away out of danger while the three other Terrans take on the Spider bots. Y/N and Mandroid exchange a few blows before Mandroid pins Y/N down, “ is that really the best you can do?” He snarks. Y/N smirks before growing to her/his/their full height towering over the (mostly still human), “ What do you think?” Y/N asks before punching him sending him scattering several yards away. He slowly gets back up with a rather surprised look on his face. “ What are you?” He asks, “ Wouldn’t you like to know” Y/N snarks before blasting him back into the woods and the remaining spider bots run after him.
With Mandroid gone, Y/N turns to the Terrans and two human kids walking up to them. The kids all look at Y/N in awe as she/he/they brush her/him/ them self off, “ Are you all ok?” Y/N asks in concern. The Terrans all quickly crowd around Y/N as a flurry of questions come out, “ Who are you? How did you do that? What are you? How did you know where we were?”. “ whoa whoa whoa” Y/N says “ I’ll answer all of your questions, but first let’s get you kids somewhere safe”.
Y/N follows the kids to the Malto’s farm in her/his/their car, and the kids all run to hug their parents who are waiting in front of the house as Y/N parks the car and starts walking their way. The two parents give Y/N a kind of questioning look making her/him/them stop just a few steps in front of them and give them a shy smile and wave, “ Hi” Y/N says “ I’m”. Just then movement from the barn catches her/his/their eye as a familiar yellow and black bot steps out. “ Bee?” Y/N says in disbelief, “ Y/N?” Bumblebee says in surprise. “ Oh my God” Y/N says growing to her/his/their full height and running toward him nearly tackling him in a hug which he quickly reciprocates. After a moments Y/N pulls away smiling at him, “ I-I can’t believe it, it’s been so long” Y/N says. “ too long.” Bee agrees with a shy smile, and Y/N hugs him again. “ It’s so good to see you.” she/he/they says quietly.
“ Wait, Bee- So you know this, um” the mom starts failing to find a word for what Y/N is, and the two separate turning toward the others. “ Techno-organic” Y/N says. “ I do” Bee says with a smile “ everyone, this is Y/N. Y/N, these are the Malto’s”, he then introduces each member of the family. “ its nice to meet all of you.” Y/N says smiling at the kind family, “ What did you mean by Techno- organic?” Twitch asks. “ Well, basically I’m part Cybertronian and part Organic” Y/N explains, “ That sounds like what we are!” Hashtag says excitedly “ Does that mean you’re like- Our sibling?”. Y/N chuckles at the Terran’s enthusiasm, “ Not exactly” she/he/they says “ more like…. Uh, Cousins? That’s probably how I was able to receive the message from that Mandroid. He must have broadcast it on a frequency only beings like us would be able to receive. Too bad for him though, he didn’t know about me.”. A flurry of more questions come out from the Maltos and Bee puts an arm around Y/N directing her/him/them toward the barn, “ Come on guys, Y/N can explain everything in the dugout” he says and the whole family follows after them.
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coojie1996 · 1 year
Made a shattered glass Ava design! Now I can finally sleep
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chaoticsorceressztc · 8 months
God god god. Brain rot achieved. New idea big brain small head. God I'm so hyped.
Just gotta finish this 500 word essay that I know will evolve into 800 words. God god god.
Miko Sari and Twitch but all of them are Techno organic. God god god I'm so hyped to draw this. God fuck I'm so hyped!
Miko and Twitch as Techno organic humans like Sari
Twitch can still turn into a drone because I said so. God god god god So hyped. God.
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depressedtheaterchild · 5 months
Meet Athena!
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Give her an offering or she'll take your kneecaps...
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redvioletpanda-art · 1 year
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Trying to change the overall look of Talon by making her look more mechanical, less organic. Changed a few things like placing the cortical psychic patch on the back of her head like a Na'vi and adding more yellow to her design.
Hallmarks/traits of her species/design: Black scelra in contrast to other Transformers optics, cortical psychic patch to connect to various techno-organic lifeforms, fin/elf ears, facial markings consisting of tear-duct lines and forehead marking, head shape recalls hair in contrast to the helmet like shape of most Transformers.
Keeping her backstory of being a Tarzanesque character raised in the wild and her psychic connection with her Deployers.
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nevis-the-skeleton · 1 year
Techno-organic has been a thing in other transformers media, so how do you think some of the autobots and decepticons would deal with this idea coming up and also meeting one?
I don't think I can write a story with that idea, sorry about that. But I think it's indeed interesting to wonder about this subject, which is why I propose to see it with an analysis. So, how would the Autobots and Decepticons react to a Techno-Organic?
First of all, it's true that the term Techno-organic has already appeared in several Transformers media, such as Animated, Beast Wars or G1. I suspect there must be some in other universes, but I don't think I can find them all. I will also assume that the term Techno-organic necessarily refers to a half-organic, half-Transformer being.
Techno-organic is a pretty broad term, because in Animated it mentions Blackairachnia as well as Sari Sumdac. The common point between these two characters is to have both a link between their mechanical side and their more "alive" side. Sari's hair or skin can be seen as organic, for example it's not like Astroboy, who is entirely robotic. Also, she eats human food and not energon. Blackairachnia on her side swings webs, and her rather animal appearance is reminiscent of the organic side. Elita-one having absorbed the abilities of organic beings, it is normal that she ends up taking part of them.
It is therefore not necessarily interesting to wonder about the reaction of the Autobots and Decepticons of Animated, because they have already faced it. Same in Beast Wars, the characters are literally Techno-organic, here again it's animal appearance, but also animal characteristics such as fur, feathers, or shell.
Next, in G1, as Techno-Organics we have our little trio of Insecticons: Bombshell, Shrapnel, and Kickback. We can categorize them as Techno-Organics because they technically did like Beast Wars. These ancient Decepticons woke up on an uncivilized Earth, so without any vehicles. They then chose insects that were for them more adapted to life on this planet. Their organic side allows them here to be able to feed themselves with what they want, and to transform it into energon. They are technically omnivorous. Here too, we know the reaction of the Autobots and Decepticons, surprised at first, then they ended up getting used to it.
Finally, for me in TFP we also have the existence of Techno-organic, the most glaring example being Airachnid, which comes very close to the characteristics of Black Airachnia in Animated. Besides, surely Airachnid wasn't the only one of her kind (not counting the Insecticons of course). But we can also wonder about the Predacons, especially seeing the wings of Predaking, which really do not look robotic, more like the composition of the wings of a bat, it is the only flyer robot that does not fly thanks to the propulsion of a engine.
Of course we don't have Techno-Organics in the half-robot half-human sense, Sari Sumdac being truly unique in that regard. This is only possible with the protoforms in Animated, and so the only possible way to create one in TFP would be for example with the protoforms in the Harbinger. Although, given all the procedure Starscream had to go through to get clones, it's not something that could happen by accident. It would have to be intentional. Afterwards, why do that, that would be a good question…
The Autobots would have no interest in it, the only result would be that they would have injured humans. Because to activate the protoforms in TFP would require DNA and human blood. I forgot how it worked with Starscream, but in any case I am sure of one thing and that is that it would take a lot of blood, more than in a single human. It had cost Starscream a lot of energon, so imagine for a human (all his blood goes through it, and that wouldn't even be enough). Either way, if that were to happen, most of the Autobots would be welcoming. The only one who would be the least would be Ratchet, but because he doesn't really like organics, he has already taken a long time to tolerate the kids.
The Decepticons, on the other hand, abhor humans, seeing a half-mechanical one would grossly disgust most of them, except perhaps Breakdown and Dreadwing, who never showed a real aversion to organics. Soundwave most likely wouldn't care, and the only one really interested would be Shockwave. But well, it's Shockwave. Starscream is already disgusted by Airachnid, so imagined another half-human Techno-organic form this time, same thing for Megatron who doesn't like humans. Airachnid would want to collect it, no doubt. As for Knockout, I think that despite the fact that he is attached to his hygiene, he wouldn't mind. I think it's even one of the Decepticons who is closest to humans, meeting a half-mechanical one would surprise him, but he would not join in the half-general disgust. Either way, they underestimate humans for the most part, they would have no reason to want to create a Techno-Organic.
In any case, for me, in TFP, it's not so much a Techno-organic that would make them react more or less badly, but rather the fact that this Techno-organic is half-alien or not. So half-Transformer, half-human, for example.
That's it for my analysis, I know you weren't expecting that. But I hope you like the analysis anyway. Thank you for your request ^^
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Platonic/ found Fam with the maximals, but rattrap, Optimus, dinobot, rhinox become a father figure to a reader (Plus the reader is a techno organic)
This is my first time writing for a techno organic character so let me know if there’s something about it you’d want me to improve on.
The Maximals Being a father figure headcanons: Rattrap, Optimus, Dinobot & Rhinox
- He’s laid back unless something will put the you in real danger.
- If you are upset, his first reaction is to confront whoever upset you.
- If it’s something that wasn’t another person, he will try to do whatever he can to help.
- He’ll pull small pranks on you if you seem to find them funny (or if they’re not funny but also doesn’t bother you), but has no problems with you pulling pranks as well.
- When you call him “Dad” for the first time. He will smile at you and start calling you “Kiddo” unless that nickname upsets you.
- He’s careful to make sure you get everything you need to be healthy with both your organic and mechanical side.
- If you do get sick or injured, he is very worried and will snap at people. He will often check on you and not leave the base unless it’s to get something that will help you feel better.
- When you do recover, he spoils you with you favourite treats or anything else that would make you happy.
- He is more serious about making sure you are healthy and will caution you if you are making a choice he thinks is unhealthy, like not getting enough sleep.
- If you are upset, he’ll sit you down and calmly ask about the situation and help you think of how to deal with it.
- If it was because someone was mean to you, he’ll either help teach how to stand up for yourself or he will confront the person. It would depend on the situation. For example, if you fought with a friend, he’d give you the advice but would help directly if someone was being deliberately cruel.
- He’s not fond of pranks, but will do small puns to make you laugh from time to time.
- He smiles when you call him “Dad” for the first time. He treats it as a confirmation of what he already knew in his spark.
- He’s careful about what you need, but also understands that you will learn what you need to balance both with guidence.
- If you are sick or injured, he will stay by your side and will be very quiet. He does have his duties as leader but he still focuss most of his energy on taking care of you.
- When you do recover, he will make your favorite meal and have a nice quiet dinner with you, though he will be overprotective for a bit.
- He often gives advice on proper ways of handing situations, not wanting you to make the same mistakes he made.
- If you are upset, he listens to you but also tries to encourage you to think about the situation.
- If it was because of another person he will help you defend yourself but will be hesitant to solve the problem for you as he would want you to learn the skills to stand up for yourself.
- He rarely jokes, though he gives a smile of approation if you tell a joke and does sometimes engage in banter.
- When you call him “Dad” He smiles at you but in panicking inside and does go on patrol. He is very happy you see him as a father figure, but is worried about if he will be a good role model for you.
-He guides you to find what will help best balancing the organic and mechanical side of you as he is afraid of something happening and him not being able to get to you right away.
- If you get hurt or sick he blames himself. He distances himself from everyone but you and focuses on making sure you’re better.
- When you recover, he promises to do everything he can to ensure that this never happens again.
- He’s protective and will keep an eye on you even if you’re not doing anything particularly dangerous.
- He gives calm advice if you are upset over something.
- If you were upset because someone was mean to you, he will have stern words with the person.
- He doesn’t pull pranks but will tell jokes to you. He laughs at your jokes.
- When you call him “Dad” for the first time, he smiles at you and will tell you that he is happy you see him as a father figure. If you do where others are around he will wait until a quiet time as to not embarrass you.
- If you get hurt or sick, he will be very quiet and will do everything he can to help you recover.
- When you do recover, he will insist you take it easy for a while.
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¨No more organic...¨
Just like I did with my Blackarachnia fanart, Is there even something organic left inside Sari?
Or, what if the AllSpark key made Sari's organic part go crazy?
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orionnotpax · 2 years
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redesigned my techno organic self insert :)
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˗ˏˋ ˖ Rules || Character || Verses || Promo ✶
✦ Spanish/Mexican is my first language, so I´m sorry if I misunderstood your message at first or if I typed something incorrectly. I´m still learning and I suffer because of that.
✦ Blogs que hablan español son bienvenidos!
✦ Icons, banners, and other edited stuff were made by me credited like @geluatekurama
✦ I don´t like to be asked about askis or stuff coming from this blog in my principal blog.
✦ I would really appreciate it if we can keep this blog (as well as my other blog) completely away from any drama. I´m sorry, but I tend to be really bad at dealing with drama or problems outside my comfort zone… Still, If I have done something wrong, my ask box and chat are always open.
✦ Personal blogs admitted as I also follow some personal blogs myself.
✦ Do not attempt to control or kill the charaters/muses, unless is part of a story and we have discussed such an option in private. If I say NO, is because is NO.
✦ I´m bad at trying to interact with others, but like I said before, my ask box is always open unless I have some serious matters to attend to, feel free to ask, play, or just speak about a random topic.
✦ Do not ask about my personal life unless I feel like I trust you!
✦ My life is quite busy outside of Tumblr, I just started college so I won't be a fast replier. Sorry if it takes me days to answer one silly or short ask.
✦ Time zones might be different. I write this as I have been asked to RP at night hours like 12pm or 3am…
✦ Just became 18 not long ago, still, some of my muses are minors between the ages of 11-15, which means that even if I'm an adult, and that I don't feel comfortable with using my minor muses on +18 / angsty situations, I will reply you in private that I won´t RP with you.
✦ Even when shipping is not obligatory, if I like the idea of one of my muses dating yours, then I´ll accept it (of course, respecting the age of my and your muses) Crossovers, and platonic friendships and OC-Blogs are also acceptable.
✦ I share verses with some mutuals I have outside this blog, so for more info about the verses I use, the original creators are credited in my verses post.
✦ If you want me to, I´ll tag a post with a trigger warning for any suggested material like murder, gore, suicide, etc. But only for RP threads, I will not reblog any post that actually talks about any of those themes…
✦ I´ll try to read others´ rules before asking and interacting, so I kindly ask you to do the same.
✦ I don't tend to write long threads, so I´m sorry if I just answer/reply with one line of dialogue. I am working with my writing on ingles, so is still difficult for me to find the right words
✦ Any further rules to be stated I will update this promptly.
✦Non-mutuals can still interact. You don't need to follow me so we can start to play.
✦ I may add other characters/muses in the future.
✦ I also do fanart and sketches, some pieces I post on my principal blog, but that may change with time.
✦ Also, fanart can be reblogged.
✦Almost forgot to say that I´m not just a RESCUE BOTS RP blog, I'm also in some other fandoms like STATIC SHOCK, TF ARMADA, etc.
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in1-nutshell · 1 month
Hi! can you do request of Tf Crossover and also them meeting each other?
Both TFA & TFE Silver Aid(s) and Fearless Buddy meeting each other
Add: Having their respective Megatrons going with their respective Buddies when the portal happens and also them meeting each other counterparts
Bonus: I Imagine something like this, you can add this or not… Bot/Con: so (Tfa) Silver… Gotta asked what with you and your Megatron, you two seem… Close? Tfa Silver Aid: well… Tfa Megatron: what's wrong With being with her Conjux? Bot/Con, Fearless, TFE Silver aid, & (tfe & mtmte) Megatrons: … WHAT/HUH?!? Fearless: … I …Have… An INTERDIMESIONAL MOM! Tfe & MTMTE Megatrons & TFE Silver: … Bot/Con: wait… Buddy (TFE silver aid) are you also with your Megatron? TFE Silver & Meg: …
Later after the TFA and TFE are going home… Bot: Megatron! We must find your wife! Meg: w- Fearless: YESSS!
I have seen this one around and every time I'm close to getting to write for it, POOF!
Not this time!
Hope you enjoy!
Fearless and MTMTE Megatron meets TFA/TFE Silver Aid and their Megatron's
SFW, Romance, Platonic, Familial, Human reader, Cybertronian (techno organic) reader
or alternative title...
3 Things that have definitely happened once TFA Silver Aid, Megatron and TFE Silver Aid and Megatron came on the Lost Light.
1. Webs
Once everything gets calmed down with the two Megatron’s and their respected bot companions, Fearless is at the new bots sides in a flash.
The Megatron’s have no idea why this little human is looking at them up and down… judging them?
Then they move to the spider bots.
Fearless: “Do you have webs?” TFE Silver Aid: “Why yes. Would you like to see?” Fearless: "I want to test both your webs durability.” TFA Silver Aid: “I like what you’re thinking kiddo.”
Fearless ends up giving the spider bots a tour around the ship.
The human and the techno organics have a lovely chat the entire tour, from random talks about their families to random things their respected Megatron’s have done.
At some point, Fearless shows the pair Spiderman stunts on their data pad.
TFE Megatron: “Where is Silver Aid?” MTMTE Megatron: “I assure you that she is safe on this ship.” TFA Megatron: “That still doesn’t answer our question Megatron.” All three of them stop in their tracks at the scene in front of them. Both Silver Aid’s were upside down on the ceiling catching Fearless who was jumping from servo to servo. MTMTE Megatron: “…” TFA Megatron: “What is going on…” TFE Megatron: “Not even Dot or the kids were like this…” TFE looks at MTMTE. TFE Megatron: “Do they do this often?” MTMTE Megatron: “You have no idea…”
2. Meg talk
It took a while to get the two new Megatron’s to calm down.
Especially with their spider companions walking around the ship with a human as their only guard.
It was MTMTE Megatron to get them to sit down and get a drink.
He understands their worry and the anxieties that bring when going into a new universe.
The three of them begin to talk after a few minutes of awkward silence.
TFA Megatron is surprised to hear that TFE and MTMTE Megatron both surrendered.
He does laugh a bit in their faces for giving up, but he does realize how much happier many of the bots around him are.
Without fear of war looming over their helms.
It was… peaceful.
A future he wished to share with Silver Aid.
TFA Megatron: “And what about the human. I can’t help but notice that I’ve only seen one of them around the ship. TFE Megatron: “He brings a good point. Where are their parents?” MTMTE Megatron: “I am.” TFA/TFE Megatron: "…” MTMTE Megatron: “Adopted.” TFA Megatron: “But…a human?” MTMTE Megatron with a slight glare: “Do you have a problem with them?” TFA Megatron: “No, not that. I’m just curious to the why?” MTMTE Megatron: “Well, they weren’t always like this. Before they were very polite, dare I say shy.” TFE Megatron looks over at Fearless showing both Silver Aid’s how many marshmallows they could fit in their mouth. TFE Megatron: “Then what happened?” MTMTE Megatron: “From what memory serves me right, I wasn’t a part of the crew originally, they spent a month on the ship and met Whirl.” CRASH! All three Megatron’s look over to see said bot chucking a glass cube at Cyclonus’s helm. Whirl: “And that’s for ignoring me this morning!” Cyclonus: “Whirl I was still asleep.” Whirl: “No excuses!” Cyclonus: “It was 3 in the morning.” Whirl: “Don’t care Horn head! Prepare to fight!” TFA/TFE Megatron both look at MTMTE Megatron. TFA/TFE Megatron: “Oh…”
3. Conjunx
You’d have to be a blind bot not to realize that the two Megatron’s were a bit… close with their companion.
Brainstorm was the one who brought up the organic part of the bots.
TFE Silver Aid didn’t have an exact answer for that.
She just knew that she onlined one day in a cave like this.
Cue the concern looks from some bots around the bar.
Fearless made sure to pat her servo.
TFA Silver Aid gave a short version of how she became a techno organic.
Excluding certain names for good measure.
Fearless clung onto her neck cables gently stroking her back.
Many bots winced hearing some of the details of the spider bites.
A random bot made a comment to TFA Megatron about picking up a stray.
TFA Megatron looked murderous but calmed down when his Silver Aid just shook her helm.
TFA Megatron: “Anyways, if I hadn’t gotten Silver Aid, I wouldn’t have the best medic in the Decepticon army.” Most of the medics turned to the spider bot. Ratchet: “You’re a medic?” TFA Silver Aid smiles: “Yes, and the ONLY one Megatron has.” Rodimus sits next to her and gives her a playful grin. Rodimus: “Well Doctor, I seem to be having some pain on my face, mind taking a look?” TFE Silver Aid giggles a bit at the young Prime’s antics. TFA Silver Aid also chuckled a bit and decided to play along. She gently holds the Prime’s faceplate and studies his face. TFA Silver Aid: “Hmm… don’t see anything wrong here Rodimus. I give you a clean bill of health.” Rodimus gives her a playful wink. TFA Silver Aid laughed a bit still holding the mechs face. TFA Megatron seething in his seat. TFA Megatron: “Rodimus, I suggest you stop flirting with my Conjunx if you don’t want a blast to your—” Everyone at the bar: “YOU’RE CONJUNX!” Fearless jumping enthusiastically. Fearless: “I’VE GOT SPIDERWOMEN AS MY MOM’S!”
Suddenly the TFA’s were bombarded with questions about their lives.
How had they met?
Who asked who out first?
Who could throw the other farthest?
That one was from Whirl.
But the TFE’s were also bombarded with questions.
Mainly all asking if they were Conjunxes.
This left TFE Silver Aid extremely confused and a flustered Megatron trying to answer the questions and denying any bonds.
Thank goodness MTMTE Megatron put a stop to the questions, even though he had a whole list to ask himself.
He feels a bit daft for not seeing the looks his counter parts were giving to their partners.
A familiar sound of the portals rung out in the bar.
Each respected Megatron’s gave a short goodbye before getting their partners.
TFE’s went in first.
TFE Megatron held onto Silver Aid’s servo tightly as they went through.
The TFA’s were next.
TFA Megatron had picked up Silver Aid bridal style and quickly marched into the portal without another word.
Fearless patting Megatron on the arm. Megatron looks at them confused. Fearless: “Don’t worry Meg’s, I’ll find you a wife.” Megatron: “What!” Fearless: “Theres gotta be a Silver Aid in this universe. Don’t worry, I’ll find her! Who’s with me!” Megatron: “Absolutely—” Whirl and serval other bots in the bar: “Yeah! Megatron sighs tiredly and turns to Swerve. Megatron: “A strong cube of engex please.” Swerve passing him a bottle. Swerve: “It’s on the house. Good luck with whatever Fearless has in store for you.”
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coojie1996 · 1 year
Tfa Ava ref sheet
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chaoticsorceressztc · 8 months
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Techno organic Twitch concept. I thought so hard I gave myself a headache. Dunno what I'll do when I go for making Miko though. Definitely have to make full body ones of these though.
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